19 May 2008

Spider Veins

Spider Veins

spider_vein_before.jpg Before

spider_vein_after.jpg After

Spider veins (ortelangectasia) are dilated very superficial veins which appear like reddish or bluish short lines, “starburst” clusters or a web-like maze. Reticular veins are larger and slightly deeper and appear as long bluish, usually flat veins.

Spider and reticular veins can exist in legs of patients with larger varicose veins, as part of a general venous reflux disorder, or they can occur in isolation. While they are most common on the legs, they can also occur on the face and body.

Injection sclerotherapy has been the main stay of treatment of spider and reticular veins. It is fairly effective method. About 60 to 70 % of these veins will disappear after one injection session, but often multiple session (usually 2 to 3) may be needed to clear these veins satisfactorily.

Treatment of the very fine spiders has proven difficult with sclerotherapy (even with microsclerotherapy) because it can be difficult to inject the chemical into such fine veins. The use of lasers and intense pulse light has been tried but has not been very effective till recently. At the Vein Clinic and Vascular Centre, we now have a laser with treats all spiders and even reticular veins very effectively. No anesthesia is required. Like sclerotherapy, multiple treatment sessions may be needed to achieve satisfactory results.

Surgery and EVLT are not used for treatment of spiders or reticular veins.

Source By : The Vein Clinic and Vascular Centre

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